“Lepak Mamak” is a term that we fondly use in Malaysia which refers to “let’s hangout”: Logeswara Rao, aka CJL

Malaysia based rapper Logeswara Rao better known by his stage name CJL has come out with his debut Tamil rap ‘Lepak Mamak’., link of the song is YouTube. We had an interaction with CJL and here are the excerpts:

A Tamil rap song released by you in Malaysia, how did that work out? How big is the influence of Tamil speaking community in Malaysia? 

There was a Tamil rap competition last year and I won that. The winner gets an opportunity to work on single with Sony Music Malaysia, so that’s how I got to release my single. 3/4 of the Indians in Malaysia can speak and understand Tamil which plays a big part in the Malaysian Indian Movie industry.

What does Lepam Mamak mean and how does it connect with the spirit of the album? 

“Lepak Mamak” is a term that we fondly use in Malaysia which refers to “let’s hangout” or “chilling in a Mamak Restaurant”. I wanted my song to be casual and relatable to the younger audiences.

From winning Malaysian Tamil Rap contest to clinching a deal with Sony Music, how has your life turned around in the recent years?

It feels surreal and I feel blessed that I got this opportunity. It’s a nice feeling when people recognise me. I am grateful to Rap Porkalam organisers and SME Malaysia for this platform.

How was your experience of collaborating with Santesh? How do you both complement each other?

He is a true artist and such a humble human being. He was more like a brother to me who encouraged and motivated me throughout this journey. I would love to work with him again.

What should the music followers expect from you in the coming times?

I am planning to work on something new and exciting real soon which will be loved by music followers.

How do you find the overall music culture of Malaysia? What can be further improved?

I like the authenticity in our music culture. We were one of earliest to start Tamil rap and it’s still going strong here. Maybe an award show only for musicians can be conducted to appreciate the artwork.

With Lepak Mamak, its time for people to relax and enjoy the music. Like the word itself means, this song is a fresh vibe and meant to be having fun with. Watch the song in the link below:


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